Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Nothing new to report

Surgery went well. Healing is happening. No crocheting going on. I did try to pick up a hook last night. It didn't hurt but still can't hold things for very long.

Since I can't crochet I have been reworking my to do list. I have decided on 2 afghans that are in the very near future. One is for Thing 1. HE seems to get discouraged that most patterns are for girls. Well, in one of my pattern books that my secret pal sent me there is a pattern for a crocheted mitred square dishcloth. I worked it up last week into a dishcloth and thought that it would work well for a 'ghan for him. I will *finally* be using all that camo yarn I ordered. Thing 2 has also expressed a desire to have one just like her brother's but of course hers will have to be pink. The second afghan is the Najavo Afghan. They started a CAL at the 'Ville but I didn't join with my hand such as it is. I will be making this ghan with lime green, bright blue, white and banana berry varigated that I already have. I am trying to use up some of the yarn I have without having to buy all new. We will see how long that will last. LOL.

Kathy was such a doll and sent me a get well pattern to do after the bandages come off. That will be a beautiful doily for my living room. I also am about half done with a PK doily that I started before surgery. Hopefully, I will be mended enough by the end of the month to get back to it.

I didn't realize how much I really do crochet. This last week has shown me that I don't care to sit and watch TV, reading is ok but 3 books since Friday is pushing it, and there is really NOTHING on cable TV. Last night Thing 1 wanted to play the Game Cube. I told him that was fine. Well, I give myself points for trying but it didn't last very long with my hand.

Ok--enough with the rambling.

Enjoy and have a blessed day!!


Wanda Kay said...

Sending a big get well soon hug your way. You'll be having hook withdrawel soon if you can't work on something.

Barb said...

I hope your hand is doing better :) I was wondering if I would see you in the eight-pocket tote CAL!! what colors are you using?